Thursday, March 31, 2016

SharePoint Manual Migration Methods – O365

Manual Migration Methods – O365

Select the Solution
·       Files are hosted in SharePoint 2010 site, need to copy into O365
·       Shared Drive
·       Local Drive / system

Migration Methods
·       SharePoint-2010 hosted
·       Shared drive hosted
·       Locally hosted / local system

Migration Process and Prerequisite
·       Explorer view - SharePoint 2010 hosted
·       Download and Upload - SharePoint 2010 hosted
·       Take library as template with content - SharePoint 2010 hosted
·       Take library as template without content - SharePoint 2010 hosted
·       Send to - SharePoint 2010 hosted
·       Multiple Upload - Shared drive
·       Explorer view - Shared drive
·       Single Upload - Local files
·       Multiple Upload - Local files
·       Explorer view - Local Files

Note: Send to is not working between SharePoint 2010 and O365 SharePoint, requested Microsoft to resolve.


This blogs helps the SharePoint users to upload the documents to the O365 online SharePoint. The uploading document could be hosted in SharePoint 2010 or Share drive or documents which kept on local machine.
This document mainly helps the end user to select the appropriate method while they are uploading documents to the O365 SharePoint manually.

It gives a set of solution to choose when the user needs to upload files to upload into O365 SharePoint online. 

Select the Solution

Select the solution based on the documents hosted environment
  • Files are hosted in SharePoint 2010 site, need to copy into O365

The files which are staying in the SharePoint 2010 environment, which needs to be moved to O365 library. Below are the possible ways of migrating them manually

·         Shared Drive

Shared drive holds the documents to be hosted in O365, we have the 2 possible ways to upload them onto the SharePoint online, the metadata values are updating in SP based on the files metadata values tagged.

·         Local Drive / system

Either the files which are recently created or the files which are downloaded from the SharePoint and kept in on the local drive. The metadata values are updating while uploading back to SharePoint based on the metadata available with the files and type of file.

Migration Methods 

Below are some possible methods to upload files into O365 manually, based on the environment the files hosted, the file type, number of files, speed. 

SharePoint-2010 hosted

Shared Drive Document

Locally Hosted / Local System 

Migration Process and Prerequisite

Common Check lists for the items needs to be migrated manually.

      The files intended to be migrated needs to be followed below.
  • The files must be checked in
  • At least once a files must have a checked in.
  • There must not be running instance of WF
  • To maintain a metadata values the destination library must follow the same structure as the source library.
  • There shouldn’t be a folder structure in source library, if so please update the folder structure with the metadata and remove folders.
Explorer view - SharePoint 2010 hosted 

    Below are the set of perquisite needs to be done / check before migrating the content in  Explorer view

Migrating the documents in Explorer view

Please follow the below steps to migrate the document in Explorer view.

  • Open the source library in browser.
  • Click on the library tab in ‘Library tools’ area in the ribbon.
  • Click on the icon called open in Explorer view, in connect and export area.

  • Repeat the steps 1-3 to open the destination library in explorer.
  • Once the both library opened in explorer, copy paste the content.
  • If the file type is MS office then the metadata are copied onto to destination library and non-office files needs to be updated by metadata properly, else the files won’t be checked in only if the columns are mandatory else the files are checked in without metadata.

Download and Upload - SharePoint 2010 hosted

Below are the steps to migrate the content with the Downloading and re-uploading back to the SharePoint library.

How to Download the Items to the local system, later we in this document it is mentioned how to upload to SharePoint bulk.

1. Download the files one after the other manually.

  • Open the library in browser.
  • Click on down arrow on the item, then Send to then download a copy, you can find the same option in Document tab in the Ribbon section.

  • Please confirm if it asks for saving the location.